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Those who desire a more in-depth study of Scripture.

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Those seeking a greater understanding of how to study and gain revelation from the Word of God.

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Those in need of a safe environment in which to learn, grow and mature.

Those who have already completed the prerequisite of PMP I.

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To challenge the individual to grow in areas of doctrinal truth which will enhance their overall spiritual growth and maturity. 

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In these last days, it is imperative that we know the truth.

Deception is running rampant.  

Deception is  everywhere!


Matter of fact, deception is the first marker of the last days.  

(Mark 13: 3,4)


But, the Bible says that we shall know the truth and the truth that we know and understand will make us free! (John 8:32)


It’s time like never before to get into God’s word and let His word get into us.  It will change and transform our lives!

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WOW...where to Start? The perfect harmonious work of The Apostolic and Prophetic Anointing partnered with Sound Doctrine according to The WORD of GOD!


Impactful teachings on prayer, spiritual and grace gifting, Five-fold Ministry Gifts of The Apostle, Prophet, Teacher, Evangelist and Pastor...teaching order and disciplines with transparency that help connect the dots, bringing into view a BEAUTIFUL, EMPOWERED, GLORIOUS CHURCH, that Christ died to establish!


I know anyone who invest in this program will definitely walk away humbly grateful, thankful and determined to share the TRUTH that is still found on the pages of the BIBLE (GOD'S REVEALED THOUGHTS WRITTEN FOR HUMANITY TO KNOW HIM)...and His gifting men and women to carry out His good pleasure in the earth realm! And I am truly reminded that the gates of hell will not prevail against His Plans!!!


I love, love, love the "replays for each lesson"...jewels that money cannot buy...they give away!!! I am so thankful to GOD for this Program and for Apostle Horace and Prophet Zelda Lewis!!!


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